Deepavali   Zo]mhen
Deepavali or the 'Festival of Lights' marks the victory of good over evil.
Hindus have several significant mythological events associated with it.
In south India, Deepavali is celebrated as the day Lord Krishna defeated the demon Narakasura.


Zo]§fpsS DÕhamWv
Zo]mhen. Xpemamk¯nð (HtÎm_À, \hw_À) Aamhmkn \mfnemWv Zo]mhen BtLmjn¡mdpÅXv. 
Zo]mhenbpsS BhnÀ`mhs¯¡pdn¨v ]e sFXnly§fpw {]Nmc¯nepïv.

Deepavali comes in the month of October- November. On the day of Deepavali, many wear new clothes and share sweets and Snacks. To enhance the joy of Diwali, both the young and the old light firecrackers and fireworks at night.
Cu \mfnemWv {ioIrjvW³ \cImkpcs\ h[n¨sXópw aäpw hnizmk§fpïv. 

Zo]mhen Znhkw kqtcymZb¯n\pap¼v Xsó ho«pImscñmw F®tX¨p Ipfn¨v tZlip²n hcp¯n tImSnhkv{X§fWnbpóp.

a[pc]elmc§Ä hnXcWw sN¿pIbpw _Ôpan{XmZnIsf kµÀin¡pIbpw sN¿póp.
aebmfn¡v Zo]mhen Fómð
]S¡w s]m«n¡epw
]q¯ncn I¯n¡epamWv.